Nevra Onursal Karaagac, CMO of Hitit talked with, the online aviation and technology platform, exploring the role of innovative IT solutions in the aviation industry. The interview was both interesting and eye-opening, with lots of information for aviation experts. Let’s review some of the key points from the discussion.




Airlines are facing the very real risk of getting lost in the crowd

“While the rest of the world is quickly embracing a data-driven Industry 4.0 mindset, airlines still rely on legacy systems and are trying to reinvent the wheel. This is one of the most significant risks leading to an airline’s software and technology base lagging behind. However, there is also another, less obvious disadvantage for an airline to have their software technology lagging behind the times, a weakness which I would say poses an even greater danger in the long term: If an airline does not have the ability to “own their product”, the ability to create and distribute differentiating and personalized offers, to collect and utilize the vast amounts of data in their hands, they face the risk of commoditization.”

Differentiation Point: Data-driven and flexible software platform

Today’s hyper-connected consumers find it increasingly convenient to go through comparison shopping channels and airlines are facing the very real risk of getting lost in the crowd and becoming just a faceless, nameless “aircraft operator”. However, avoiding this is possible with a data-driven and flexible software platform that gives airlines all the tools they need to differentiate themselves.”

Never-ending argument: “One Stop Shop” vs “Best of Breed”?

“Running an airline is an incredibly complex business and while it is essential that all the different moving parts of an airline system play nice with each other, there can be no single provider that offers the most ideal solution for every airline in all situations, making having a “motley collection” of different solutions inevitable. That is why we believe the ideal solution is to take a hybrid approach, which we always strive to do with our own solutions”

You can read the full interview at: